Expertise in Global Education
Expertise in Global Education
Our network of 850+ satisfied clients is a testament to our success in helping students navigate the complexities of studying abroad. Our team of 19+ finance experts boasts a 98% success rate in placing students in their dream institutions.
High Visa Success Rate
High Visa Success Rate
Our proven strategies and insights enhance your chances of visa approval. At Gurubaa International, we pride ourselves on boasting the highest visa success rates in the industry. Our proven track record speaks volumes, ensuring your visa application stands the best chance of approval.
End-to-End Assistance
End-to-End Assistance
From profiling to pre-departure briefings, we cover every aspect of your study abroad process.
Comprehensive Service Offerings
Comprehensive Service Offerings
From IELTS and PTE preparation to visa assistance and date booking, we offer a suite of services designed to streamline your journey to becoming an international student.

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    Gurubaa International "Where Dreams Take Flight"

    Let Us Be Your Trusted Partner In Your Pursuit Of Global Education.

    Satisfied Students
    Visa Success Rate